Sunday 28 September 2008

Oban Plastic Bag Free! at Oban's ABREEF Environment Fair

The Oban Plastic Bag Free! initiative was well represented at this year's ABREEF Oban & Lorn Environment Fair, 25th & 26th September, 2008. Thank you, ABREEF , Sustainable Oban and GRAB Trust, for giving us a platform to voice and illustrate our concerns about plastic waste in general and plastic bags in particular.
We spoke to lots of pupils, teachers and members of the public and found that there are large numbers of people who want to see plastic bags banished from our lives.

A few visual impressions of the event:
Our stall with stark images and tactile examples of sound, sustainable, responsibly-sourced alternatives.
Oban Plastic Bag Free! co-initiator and campaigner, Astrid Horward, smiling at the interest by pupils and the general public.
In front of her, some examples of sensible, sustainable, 100% biodegradable and/or 100% compostable products.

Campaigner Astrid talking to a member of the public.
There really is no excuse for oil-based plastic bags. Look at these examples of traditional alternatives from local producers:
Fiona MacDougall's baskets: a blue and white basket gives new lease of life to plastic bags; it sits atop a traditional crab creel.
Pip Weaser in action and almost eclipsed by samples of fellow basket weavers' work (members of the Scottish Basketmakers' Circle).
Finally, Annabel Gregory's hand-knitted and hand-crocheted bags made from sustainably sourced jute (natural dyes).

Our presence at the ABREEF Fair was a success. Most of the people we spoke to were in favour of a ban on plastic bags.
When they were shown the alternatives, lots of people asked, "But why, if such great alternatives are on the market, don't supermarkets provide them to us?!"
Our response was that there has not been the pressure from above or below, and the alternatives are costlier. Would people be prepared to pay for alternatives? The majority response was, yes. And a lot of people already take their own bags to do their shopping.

So let's keep the pressure up! Thank you for collecting lots of signatures to petition the Scottish government to Ban Plastic Bags.

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